This temporary visa has been launched by the Australian government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and was designed to manage unexpected circumstances that arose as a result.
This visa will be ceased as soon as the pandemic is over.

- Hospitality and Tourism
- Agriculture
- Food processing
- Health care
- Aged care
- Disability care
- Childcare
You may apply for the 408 COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa when your current visa is due to expire in 90 days or less OR your current visa has already expired but not more than 28 days ago.
You can apply for the 408 COVID-19 Pandemic Event Visa even if you are not working in the critical sector, but you need to demonstrate that you have no other visa options available to you.
The work rights will only be granted to applicants that are currently employed in the critical sectors. All other applicants won’t be allowed to work on their Covid-19 pandemic event visa.
Work permission in Australia is controlled and managed through mandatory condition 8107. Applicants working in critical sectors and indicate their work activities in their visa will be allowed to continue working once the Covid-19 pandemic event visa is granted.
However, for those who apply for the visa as a last resort to lawfully remain in Australia until the pandemic is over, no work permission will be granted. If a recipient of such visa engages in Australian employment the visa might be cancelled.
If the applicant is working in a critical sector, then the visa might be granted for up to 12 months.
If you are applying for the visa because you are working in a critical sector, you may be given a visa that allows you to stay in Australia for up to 12 months. This also applies to those who have been in Australia under the Seasonal Worker Program or Pacific Labour Scheme and are continuing to work in a critical sector.
However, if you are not working in a critical sector, you will be granted a permission to remain in Australia for up to 3 months.
Yes, you can, provided the visa is not ceased and you still meet the eligibility requirements.
There is no DHA Application fee for this visa, however you are expected to pay for your health checks, police certificates, biometrics, and Registered Migration Agent fee (if you are using an agent)